Forums MyID knowledge base MY0444 Logon not possible using Operator Client when licence has expired

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  • #4670
    MyID Support
    Senior Moderator

    Discovered in MyID 12.6.0. Still present in MyID 12.7.0, 12.8.0.

    When a MyID system licence expires it is not possible to logon to MyID when using the Operator Client.

    It is possible, however to logon using the MyID Desktop Client directly, in order to request and install a new system licence.

    Even with an expired system licence it is still possible to logon, with a limited set of workflows, to be able to re-licence your system. Unfortunately, this is not possible when using the Operator Client. You must use the MyID Desktop client directly.

    The reason for this is that the Licencing workflow is not yet native to Operator Client. It still requires the Desktop Client, being launched by the MyID Client Service (MCS), in the same way as legacy reporting and changing configuration does. So when using the Operator client, the reduced set of workflows, imposed by having an expired system licence, causes the Operator Client to behave as though there are no available workflows.

    This issue has been flagged up as something to be addressed in a future release of MyID.

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