Forums MyID knowledge base MY0441 Supplied Logon Name is Invalid

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  • #4667
    MyID Support
    Senior Moderator

    Applies to systems still using the MyID Desktop Client. This behaviour has not yet been seen when using the Operator Client.

    Sometimes, when using any workflow that either adds or changes a user record (Add Person, Edit Person) you may see the error “Supplied Logon Name is Invalid”. The problem being that there is no observable problem with the logon name as viewed on screen.

    Unfortunately, in older versions of MyID this could be down to a number of reasons, that mainly come down bad data in another field. This does more commonly occur when either importing or updating users from LDAP.

    The last recorded instance of this issue was that a question mark (?) had found its way in as a the Telephone number field imported from LDAP. This meant that the web code was unable to properly parse the data, but resulted in a misleading error message.

    The main troubleshooting in this instance is that you need to analyse the actual process being used. Be that adding or editing a user. And how exactly you are doing it; i.e. Importing from LDAP. Noting that if you have Background Resync set to “YES” in the configuration that LDAP side changes will be propogated to the MyID user record, as a function of using most workflows where the user record is accessed. This includes card issuance.

    If your troubleshooting does not identify anything obvious then contact the Customer Support team.

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