Forums MyID knowledge base MY0445 SIU-226 Failure with MyID.UDL File

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  • #4694
    MyID Support
    Senior Moderator

    An issue has been seen where the SIU-226 test fails, either during the running of the MyID Installation Assistant, or running the SIU Report independently. The error in the report may read as something similar to this;

    Unable to connect to database using connection string ‘Provider=MSOLEDBSQL19.1;Integrated Security=SSPI;Persist Security Info=False;User ID=””;Initial Catalog=dMyID;Data Source=MyID-ServerName;Initial File Name=””;Use Encryption for Data=Optional;Server SPN=””;Authentication=””;Access Token=””;Host Name In Certificate=””;Server Certificate=””;Application Name=SIU-226;’

    This may be accompanied with an additional failure in test SIU-249, where the error may read as follows;

    MYID_URL: <response> <action>Error</action> <caption>Error</caption> <data><![CDATA[<Error><Type>Exception</Type><TimeStamp>2024-01-04 22:26:12.201</TimeStamp><ErrorCode>-2147467259</ErrorCode><Message>eConfiguration Licence com Error (GetCOMMethods) DAL std::exception catch handler Function : GetXML, catch hander. Error : SQL Error: HY000 Error: 0x80040e21 IDispatch error #3105 Server Certificate option can only be used with Encryption option set to ‘Strict’. In object Microsoft OLE DB Driver 19 for SQL Server 0x80004005 – Unspecified error </Message><Number>890493</Number><Url translationID=”890590″><Caption translationID=”890591″ /></Url></Error>]]></data> <payload></payload> <Navigation> <Next> <Description translationID=”99310001″>Next</Description> </Next> </Navigation> </response>

    Both errors appear to indicate that there is a requirement for strict SQL server encryption using certificates. But it may be that your SQL server is not configured this way. Additionally, using the “Test Connection” button within the MyID.UDL file itself may report that the connection test succeeds.

    What we have found is that when you open the UDL file in it’s GUI format and click on “OK” that additional information is written to the file when you open it as a straight text file; e.g. in Notepad the UDL file may look like this;

    ; Everything after this line is an OLE DB initstring
    Provider=MSOLEDBSQL19.1;Integrated Security=SSPI;Persist Security Info=False;User ID=””;Initial Catalog=MyID;Data Source=VINF2K22DC01;Initial File Name=””;Use Encryption for Data=Optional;Server SPN=””;Authentication=””;Access Token=””;Host Name In Certificate=””;Server Certificate=””

    It is the additional text after “Optional;” that seems to be the cause of the problem here. Removing this additional text resolves the problem with SIU-226. So that the file looks like this.

    ; Everything after this line is an OLE DB initstring
    Provider=MSOLEDBSQL19.1;Integrated Security=SSPI;Persist Security Info=False;User ID=””;Initial Catalog=MyID;Data Source=VINF2K22DC01;Initial File Name=””;Use Encryption for Data=Optional;

    When opening the file in GUI mode it is important not to click on “OK” if all you are doing is testing the connection. Always click on “Cancel”. Unless you are making required changes. After which, if your system is not using SQL server encryption you may need to edit the file once more in a text editor, such as Notepad, and remove the text as indicated above.

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