When we try to launch a MyID client we receive an ATR error with the description ‘The card/token is not recognised by this installation.’
This is caused by MyID reading a smart card, or a device with a SIM or VSC, that MyID does not recognise. Any unsupported device/card will result in the ATR error message being displayed. Also affects devices with Windows Hello for Business (WHfB) for MyID versions prior to v11.6.
To stop MyID reacting to any unsupported devices and suppress the error, a change to the registry is required.
- On the client workstation navigate to the following registry key;
- 64Bit systems
- HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Wow6432Node\Intercede\Edefice\Card Drivers
- 32Bit systems
- HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Intercede\Edefice\Card Drivers
- If the “Card Drivers” key does not exist, then create it.
- Within the “Card Drivers key create a DWORD called “Silent”
- Set the value of “Silent” to 1
- Then restart the client PC.
Unknown ATR strings will then be ignored and no error message displayed. NOTE:This will apply to all unknown or unsupported devices.