An error has occurred An unexpected error has occurred Solutions: Please contact your administrator. Error number: -99900018
Client Message:
Smartcard Error during ImportKey Error: 0x80100004 : One or more of the supplied parameters could not be properly interpreted. Info: CardRSADecrypt ————————- Exception raised in function: md::MiniDriverBase::RSADecrypt In file MiniDriverBase.cpp at line 1464
Client Error:
-2147467259 – Update Card Operation Failed. Exception = Smartcard Error during ImportKey Error: 0x80100004 : One or more of the supplied parameters could not be properly interpreted. Info: CardRSADecrypt ————————- Exception raised in function: md::MiniDriverBase::RSADecrypt In file MiniDriverBase.cpp at line 1464
While attempting to collect a VSC via the self service app that contains an Authentication Certificate and an unmanaged PFX file, the client appears to fail with the error while retrieving the PFX file.
The error occurs if a certificate within the credential profile is selected for the purpose of ‘Encryption’ and the certificate type has not been correctly configured for Encryption.
A certificate with specific purposes relevant to encryption should be selected within the Credential profile, however, if no certificate with the correct purpose for Encryption is available, then MyID should be allowed to generate its own encryption key by not choosing a certificate to be used for the purpose Encryption on the ‘Select Certificates’ page of the Credential Profile workflow.
The underlying cause of the error is because the PFX file needs to be encrypted for transportation and if the certificate being select is not suitable for encryption, the error occurs.