Forums MyID knowledge base MY0060 Photos too large for Lifecycle API

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  • #1301
    MyID Support


    The MyID API is rejecting requests with larger photos producing the following error.

    POST failed to URL ServicePointName, response: 413 Request Entity Too Large


    This is due to a buffering problem in IIS.

    The default value is 49152 bytes and if the xml file is larger than that, it will fail.

    The following command can be run in PowerShell on the MyID Web Server to display the current buffer value – e.g. Value : 49152

    Get-WebConfigurationProperty -pspath ‘MACHINE/WEBROOT/APPHOST’ -location ‘Default Web Site/MyIDEnroll’ -filter “system.webServer/serverRuntime” -name “uploadReadAheadSize” | Out-File c:\temp\uploadSize.txt


    If the data does show that the configuration is set to the default size that is provided during the installation of IIS and on occasion, we have seen issues with this although very rare. Therefore, we don’t typically advise to alter this setting. However, if you are receiving the error that would typically be received when this setting is too low for the data being sent to the service, we would recommend this value is increased. The PowerShell command below will increase it to the maximum allowable value, which, in our testing, has resolved such errors. You may wish to adjust this and set a smaller value, but we can’t foresee any issues in it being set to the maximum amount allowed.

    Set-WebConfigurationProperty -pspath ‘MACHINE/WEBROOT/APPHOST’ -location ‘Default Web Site/MyIDEnroll’ -filter “system.webServer/serverRuntime” -name “uploadReadAheadSize” -value 2147483647

    You should run this command on the MyID Web servers and subsequently run the previous PowerShell command to confirm the value has been altered correctly. Although we do believe this should resolve the problem permanently, you may wish to monitor the situation for a period of time and perhaps do some further testing to ensure it meets your needs.

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