Can I log on to MyID with a smart card that was imported during a Derived Credential Request?
In MyID v10.8, the smart card that was used to derive a new credential could also be used to logon to MyID. This capability was removed in v11.0, However, the product documentation, “Derived Credential Installation and Configuration Guide” was not updated to reflect this.
In the v11.0 to v11.5 documentation, section 1.5 “Derived credentials for unknown users”, incorrectly states:
“The smart card is also added to the MyID database and can be used to log on to MyID, once you have granted the appropriate permissions.”
Instead, it should state:
“The smart card details are also added to the MyID database, but in a state such that a device licence is not consumed and the smart card cannot be used to log on to, or be managed by that MyID system”
In v11.4 and v11.5, it should also include:
“If you want to use a smart card from another system to log on to MyID, you are recommended to use the Lifecycle API to import the card; see the “Importing operator credentials” section 3.11 in the Lifecycle API guide.”