7.1 Troubleshooting

This section provides troubleshooting information.

7.1.1 Checking the status of the TPM

The TPMInterrogator utility is provided with the MyID software; this utility interrogates the TPM and provides information about its current status.

Instructions are provided in the documentation supplied with the utility. This will report the status of the flags that determine the status of the TPM.

The most important flags to be checked are:

If any of these flags return false, it indicates the TPM will not be able to receive VSC. (But see also the information on "reduced functionality" in section 3.2.1, Preparing the TPM for use.)

Additional flags are also reported by this utility, but interpretation of these flags is more complex. If you continue to receive errors when issuing VSCs, and these flags are set correctly, include the information provided by the utility in support requests to Intercede.

7.1.2 Checking MyID Audit and System Event records

During issuance of a VSC, MyID will record information about the process within the Audit trail. This will include details of the TPM status checks made, and the status of actions taken during the issuance process.

Information about a specific issuance process can be found by searching the audit using the devices full computer name as search criteria, in the ‘Extended Details’ search field.

7.1.3 Reduced functionality

If you have enabled the Allow virtual smart card creation with TPM reduced functionality configuration option, MyID will attempt to issue VSCs to TPMs with a status of "reduced functionality". See section 3.2.1, Preparing the TPM for use for details.

If you experience any problems issuing or managing VSCs on TPMs with this status, or if TPMs are reporting different statuses in the MyID Audit trail, contact customer support quoting reference SUP-269.

7.1.4 Diagnosing problems occurring during issuance

7.1.5 General troubleshooting