13.2 Changing email messages

You can edit the subject line and body of any of the provided email templates in MyID.

If you enable HTML format, you can send messages formatted in HTML (see section 13.1.2, Email format) including embedded images. You can also specify the code page if you want to send messages using character sets other than the standard ASCII characters (see section 13.1.3, Email codepage).

  1. Select the Configuration category and then the Email Templates workflow.
  2. Select the email template you want to edit. Click Modify.

    You are now in the Edit Email Template stage.

  3. Edit the Subject for the template.

    This forms the subject line of the email and must contain some information. You can use variables that are substituted when the template is run.

  4. Select or clear the Enabled option.

    If the Enabled option is cleared, the email specified by the template will not be sent.

  5. Type the Template Body.

    This is the body of the email. You can use variables that are substituted when the template is used; see section 13.2.1, Available variables for email messages.

    Note: Some variables are replaced by the same information in all templates; others are substituted by different information depending on the event that triggers the email message.

    For example, an email template like this:

    Your Certificate renewal date is soon approaching. You have %2 days to implement your Certificate Renewal procedure. %nPlease follow the instructions for renewing your certificate.

    Will generate a message like this:

    Your Certificate renewal date is soon approaching. You have 14 days to implement your Certificate Renewal procedure.
    Please follow the instructions for renewing your certificate.

  6. From the Transport drop-down list, select one of the following:

    • Email – the template is to be used for email messages.
    • SMS – the template is to be used for SMS messages.
  7. If you want to sign the email message, select the Signed option.

    Note: You must have the Sign outgoing emails option for the SMTP server in the External Systems workflow set. See the Setting Up Email section in the Advanced Configuration Guide for details.

  8. Click Save.

13.2.1 Available variables for email messages




A new line.


A tab.


The URL of the MyID installation.

Not currently supported.


The URL for mobile issuance.

This is the content of the Mobile Certificate Recovery Service URL configuration option.

%2,%3 and so on

Parameters that are substituted by the email trigger when the email is sent. For example, these might be the user’s name, the card serial number, or a comment entered in the workflow by an operator.

If the parameter value contains spaces (for example, a logon name) and you are using the parameter to build a URL (which does not allow spaces), you can use the following syntax to replace any spaces with + signs:


For example, {%logonName:URI} might become Jane+Smith.

Note: If you want to include additional parameters to the existing, standard email templates, this will require custom changes to MyID. Contact Intercede professional services for details.